Hydrogeologic Services and Training

For more than 25 years, Ground Water Science has been the region’s trusted, flexible, and innovative provider of hydrogeologic and ground-water (or groundwater) system solutions. At water industry meetings, if someone else speaks on a groundwater topic, audience members will often turn to us to see what we think.
We solve complex challenges and the weird problems faced by groundwater operations
We bring hands-on management and strict integrity as we bring the people, science, tools, and processes to help our clients to achieve their goals in the delivery of safe and reliable water supplies. We provide:
- Aquifer testing, analysis, and modeling – including a strong grasp of complex systems
- Planning, siting new production wells and site characterization
- Supervising well construction (test, production, and observation wells)
- New public water supply well support
- High-quality well and pump performance testing
- On-site testing of chemical-physical parameters and of biofouling and biocorrosion indicators (We also provide additional on-site analyses and sampling for off-site, even exotic, analysis as needed)
- Analysis and graphical display of results from pumping tests (and others) in various hydrogeologic settings, including step tests, constant-rate tests, and slug tests for single and multiple wells, and biological and chemical data
- GIS profiling and three-dimensional log and profiling with the capacity to import, manipulate, manage, and display a wide range of information in a spatial context
- Classroom and one-on-one training to enhance your expertise as a client.
- Not the usual: Forensic analysis and troubleshooting for microbiological well contamination, and the whole range of problems within ground water and drain systems (including biofouling and biocorrosion). Prominent multi-state multi-discipline firms hire us to do that for them.
Because Ground Water Science is a small firm, our clients work directly with the managing principals
We confidently work to bring the solutions and work through the challenges. We are certified (CGWP and CPG) and registered or licensed where they care about geologic professionalism (PA, IN, KY, reciprocating ASBOG states, and federal projects, even Tanzania). Ohio licenses hair dressers but not geoscientists. Our team includes an actual ground water microbiologist – one of the few outside of academia – with practical local, national, and international experience in problems of well and ground water system performance and ground-water quality decline.