What is a resource?
A resource can come in several forms:
- A collection of articles and technical papers or white papers (are they white?) linked here.
- We have some internally published manuals that we can provide to you in PDF by using the Contact Us page to make a request, leaving us your contact information.
- We have published books and articles that you can obtain, by reviewing our Publications List
- We train (see Ground Water Education). There is an online course, we speak at conferences and trainings when asked, and we can provide training specially for your needs in person or by video conference.
- A links page: This throwback to the 1990s can get you directly to useful sources
- Our principals, particularly Stuart Smith, post content on LinkedIn and @gwshydros on X-Twitter regularly points to good content.
We offer these as “soft marketing” to demonstrate expertise, but also in the interest of having more informed clients (more informed = more likely to appreciate us) and groundwater users in general.