Company Overview:
Ground Water Science is focused on the science and technique of ground water (groundwater*) and how to keep it flowing. We have been providing hydrogeology and planning and diagnosis for well and wellfield operations for more than 30 years, a practice building on prior experience. Our command of rock and glacial hydrogeology is second to none regionally. Our expertise in ground-water system biofouling, maintenance, and rehabilitation (asset management) is recognized and in-demand across North America and beyond. These include some very large and technically demanding ground-water projects.
Our partners, Stuart A. Smith and Allen E. Comeskey, are certified and licensed geologists and ground water (groundwater) professionals with advanced degrees. They each have over 40 years each of diverse, high-quality, hands-on professional experience. We offer a holistic understanding of hydrogeologic, biogeochemical, and well construction and performance issues. We have contributed to landmark publications pertaining to drilling, well construction, biofouling analysis, and well rehabilitation.
Ground Water Science is a small firm by design (see Joys of Small Consultancy Ownership), in that the managing principals work directly (not filtered through field staff) with each of our clients, large or small. Our veterans are not kept in captivity, nor put out to pasture by the HR manipulations that hobble our corporate colleagues, They are free to escape the office and take our expertise to the job site, regionally or worldwide, working hands-on with our colleagues in well construction, service, engineering, and water operations.
We strive to consistently deliver superior client service by insisting that things are done the right way, by serving as advocates for our clients, and by valuing and maintaining our integrity in everything that we do.